Culture, Music

my year in music.

really, i could summarise this year in music by the letters k a r i n d r e i j e r. however, i shall not be that simplistic. to be fair, there is a whole lot of other acts i have been listening to this year. i will mention them here below.

this is the year when i discovered pnau. (thanks lukas)

this is the year when i realised that lady gaga is more than a commercial product (which she isn’t at all, really. thank you for re-inventing pop btw, it was very needed.)

this is the year when i became thankful for that victoria bergsman went to pakistan. (taken by trees)

this is the year when i realised that nothing ever probably will be as good as the 80s in music.

this is the year when i got spotify.

this is the year when i re-discovered kent.

this is the year when air france caught my heart.

i could go on and on.


air france,
